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EmEss HF105S-1M-AHCP Ecojag-Cp Abs Chrome Health W



Key Features of EmEss HF105S-1M-AHCP Ecojag-Cp Abs Chrome Health With 1 Mtr. Tube And Holder Faucet Virgin ABS Plastic 1 Meter ABS Nut Tube HQ Chrome Easy to Install

Key Features of EmEss HF105S-1M-AHCP Ecojag-Cp Abs Chrome Health With 1 Mtr. Tube And Holder Faucet Virgin ABS Plastic 1 Meter ABS Nut Tube HQ Chrome Easy to Install

EmEss HF105S-1M-AHCP Ecojag-Cp Abs Chrome Health With 1 Mtr. Tube And Holder Faucet (Wall Mount Installation Type) Price: Rs. 390 Sure to provide a pleasurable experience, this silver in color health faucet from the store house collection of EmEss makes for a great pick. Made of using a durable material, this health faucet can be easily mounted, takes less space and can be used any time. Featuring a sleek design and tidy construction, this health faucet is a great addition to your bathroom accessories collection. Further, it can be maintained easily on daily basis. Moreover, the ease of maintenance and amazing design of this health faucet makes it a unique addition to all the contemporary homes.

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