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+63 0325151040


Are you a manufacturer?

We are the 10th largest stationeries product manufacturer in south east asia and we are the largest supplier and distributor of Machines,Hardware,Beauty products,Fashion products,Agricultural products,Computers,Laptops,Mobiles,Gadgets products.

Are you a manufacturer?

We are the 10th largest stationeries product manufacturer in south east asia and we are the largest supplier and distributor of Machines,Hardware,Beauty products,Fashion products,Agricultural products,Computers,Laptops,Mobiles,Gadgets products.

Company annual sales?

We have more than 900 Million USD

what does the sample cost

The sample is free,but buyer must give us is courier account number to send sample or else the transportation cost will be charge on the buyer.if you will do business with us,we can compensate the transportation cost in the first mass order

Accepted payment term

Bank Telegraphic Transfer (T/T), Sigue, Money Gram, XOOM, RIA Money Transfer,Ezipps Worldwide Money Transfer, EZRemit International Money Express,RIO express,Wells Fargo Express send and Xpress Money

Does company accept LC or PAYPAL ?

We are still working on accepting Paypal and yes we do accept LC but we require downpayment of 30% and balance can be paid by L/C at sight

Company lead time

It depend on the quantity,please contact sales to know more about this

Can customer visit our company ?

Yes customers can visit our company at the address on our website at any time

Do you inspect the finished products ?

Yes. We do believe quality is No.1 importance to you. So our whole production use advanced DCS and QCS system,it is fully automatic and controlled by computer all the times.

What kind of certificates we have?


Do you have stocks product to sell?

Yes we have stock products to sell

Do you do the OEM business?

Yes,we work on the OEM business which means Size,material,quantity,design,packaging solution etc will depend on your requests.In addition,your logo can be posted on the products packaging.

Why choosing Cheng Manufacturing Co.?

(a) when we get your inqury we will reply to you within 8 hours , no delay . Also will quote you same time and with best price .If we get complaint will solve it at the first time .
(b) 100% money back guarantee.
(c) We also offer to replace any damaged goods if any

Mode of shipment?

Mode of Shipment Advantage Disadvantage Advise
Fast (3-6days) door to door service,fast and safty Volume & weight and distance is limited Good for small cargo
The cheapest and volume unlimited Long sailing time (15-30days) influenced by climate and port conditions Bulk-cargo, loose time
Simple packing,transportation time is fast (4-5days) The most expensive,it is not good for high quantity products For valuable cargo and urgent need
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